Fashion week lasts all year!

Fotiek z fashion weekov, streetstyle, cestujúcich celebrít a blogeriek ubúda. Celé to nejak utícha iba sem tam sa niekde objaví "zabudnutý" post. Úprimne, bude mi to chýbať, pretože som veľkou faninkou všetkých streetstyle outfitov a detailov, prehliadky až tak počas fashion weekov nesledujem. Divné.
Ale keďže teraz je vonku počasie akurát tak na debku urobila som post o prehliadkach ktoré ma zaujali alebo skôr o detailoch.
To, že bude SS13 plná bielej farby, kože, rifloviny, oversize viest a oblekov ani spomínať nebudem, to už každý videl. Toto bude prvý post tak asi z dvoch alebo troch, uvidíme. Dnes sú tu návrhári od A-D.

Photos of streetstyle, fashion weeks, traveling celebrities and bloggers are reducing to minimum. All the craziness is disappearing, only sometimes I find some "forgotten" post. Sincerely, I will miss it, because I am a big fan of streetstyle outfits and details from fashion weeks, I am not following runaways that much. Strange.
But now, when outside its a perfect weather just to get depression (raining whole day), I made a post about the fashion shows I like, but mostly about details.
Everybody knows that white color, leather, jeans, oversize vests and suits gonna be "in". That´s why I didn´t even add it. This will be the first post of two or three or so, I will see. Today, just designers from A-D.

(yeah, I know "combinations")

Bola som dosť sklamaná keď som uvidela tieto topánky, sklamaná som bola hlavne z DVF, McQueena a Celine pretože sú to moje obľúbené značky. A outfit od Rimondiho podľa mňa totálne deformuje postavu už na tak vychudnutom tele, čo by to potom bolo na nás smrteľníkoch?

I am really disappointed when I saw these shoes, especially because DVF, McQueen and Celine are my favorite brands. And outfit by Rimondi is totally destroying model´s figure which is emaciated, how its gonna be on ordinary mortals?



  1. tie color combinations, ach ach :)

  2. Great blog with good inspiration! Would you like to follow each other?

    xx Olivia
