(shoes: Nelly, legins: chinese shop, shirt: HM, sweater: secondhand, ring: romwe, watches: DKNY, necklace: Peacocks)
Dnes sa okolo mňa pri fotení diali zvláštne veci. Počula som divné hlasy, kroky a nakoniec zvláštne pohybujúce sa stromy a kríky. Až keď som prišla späť na izbu a pozerala si fotky zistila som kto to bol. Maťko a Kubko, skutočne žijú! Skrývajú sa v lesoch a cez deň chodia zháňať obživu dole do dediny. No, z Tatier mám krásny zážitok!
P.S. Dúfam, že zajtra aj Jánošíka uvidím! :)
Today, during my photoshoot it was really strange. I heard stranges voices, steps and at the end strange moving trees and bushes. When I came back to my room and looked at my photos, I found out! Maťko a Kubko, are alive! (Maťko and Kubko are two characters from old slovak fairytale) The are living hidden in the trees and come to the village only to look for some food. What a beautiful experience!
P.S. I hope that tomorrow I will see Jánošík! :) (Slovak national hero)
magické fotky a tá krásne stúpajúca hmla :) a maťko a kubko, ách :)
ReplyDeleteuzasne fotky, velmi ti to pristane:)a tie vlasy!!!<3
ReplyDeleteThese are such AWESOME pics! And I love your outfit...especially those boots :)
The Other Side of Gray
máš úplne dokonalé vlasy :)
ReplyDeleteGreat post! You're such a awesome girl :)
ReplyDeleteWhite Honeyr
Ty boty ti neskutečně závidím! :)
ReplyDeleteHihi I love how you edited the pictures with the characters :)
ReplyDeleteGood luck finding Janosik tomorrow ;)
ReplyDeletemiluju tyhle fotky
krásné fotky:) sluší ti to a ty boty jsou královský!! ♥
ReplyDeleteVery hip heels!
ReplyDeletewhaau, nádherné fotky!
ReplyDeletesom tvojím novým followerom! :)
absolutely stunning! i loove your shoes they are so great :)
Zajímavá obuv do hor :D to se přezouváš nebo tam fakt chodíš v tomhle?
ReplyDeleteveľmi krásne ...a tá hmla ...nádhera
ReplyDeletewhat a lovely outfit!
ReplyDeletei really like your blog :)
check out mine
ta druha nema chybu!
The pictures are breathtaking!
ReplyDeletekrásný outfit,wow :) skvělý blog,sleduju ♥ :))*
ReplyDeletevelmi pekné fotky, super sveter + košela
ReplyDeleteI love these photos... you seem to live in such a beautiful area! I also love those booties.. beautiful look!
ReplyDeleteField Below - A Lifestyle Blog
jeeho super post! pekné fotky 234 :-)
ReplyDeleteTy jsi úžasná! :))