
(boots: Ginatricot, jeans: Lindex, sweater: Primark)

If you know what does it mean for girls to spend Easter in Slovakia, you understand why I left. This time we decided to spend our holidays in Czech Republic, in Jeseník (its close to Polish border). I am truly happy to be here because it is such a small and cute city with thermal springs and nice hotels. We live in the city center and our windows are pointing to the main square. This outfit, was supposed to be worn only for travelling but my mum persuaded me to capture even this one - because it should be realistic (thx, mum!).
On our way here - it took as 4 hours by car, we stopped in Bruntal to visit Bruntal Chateau. I did not expect much so, I was really surprised how amazing it is there. It is worth visiting!  

Určite viete, čo to znamená pre dievča zostať cez Veľkú Noc doma, na Slovensku, takže asi rozumiete prečo som odišla. Tento krát sme sa rozhodli stráviť sviatky v Čechách, v Jeseníkoch (pri Poľskej hranici). Som skutočne rada, že sme tu pretože je to skutočne krásne a malé mestečko s prameňmi a peknými hotelíkmi. Náš hotel je úplne v cetre s výhľadom na hlavné námestie. Inak, tento outfit bol iba cestovný ale mamina ma presvedčíla, že mám nafotiť aj ten - veď nech je to realistické (diky, mamčí!).
Po ceste sem - trvalo to 4 hodiny, sme sa zastavili na Zámku v Bruntáli. Nečakala som, že to bude až taká nádhera. Skutočne sa oplatí navštíviť!


  1. Já jsem z Jeseníku! :D jinak hezké fotky :)

  2. Já jsem z Jeseníku! :D jinak hezké fotky :)

  3. This is one really cute traveling outfit! I'm glad your mom told you to show it to us because I really like it :-) The detail on the collar makes the outfit very special, and so does the colour of the sweater. Hope you enjoy your trip!
