Tonight, we are young

(heels: Ginatricot, skirt: Cubus, T-shirt, bag: Ahlens, sunnies: Elle, shirt: Gate)
Ahojte! Dnes iba pár slov. Práve sa chystám na študentskú party, kde dúfam že nepobudneme dlho pretože zajtra bude velmi dlhy den, oh niekedy balenie fakt nenávidím! Inak počuli ste? Obama dnes prišiel do Štokholmu, a dokonca som ho aj videla, cool! Celé mesto bolo zastavené, niektoré linky vôbec nepremávali a na budovách boli sniperi, hmmm... taky normálny den hahaha. See you later alligator! P.S.: Píšem vám to hrdinsky ale celkom som sa bála dnes v uluciach. Všetci s ruksakom mi boli podozrivi. Plus všade boli protesty kvôli Syrii a Iraku (najradšej by som ale protestovala s nimi!)...                     
Hi there! Today, just few words. I am getting ready for tonight´s collage party where I hope, we won´t stay long cause tomorrow gonna be a long day, yeah sometimes I hate packing! Btw did you hear? Obama came to Stockholm today, and I saw him, so cool! Whole city was blocked, some subway lines didn´t work, there were snipers on the buildings, hmm.. just a normal day hahaha.... See you later alligator! P.S: Now, I am writing it without fear but I was really afraid during the day. Every person with backpack was strange. Plus there were many protests against things happening in Syria and Iraq (sincerely, I would like to protest with them)...


  1. skvělý mix stylů, kombinace se mi líbí :) a obama cool!! :D

  2. tak toto je vážne skvelý outfit a aj ti velmi pristane :)

  3. ten štokholm ti neskutočne prospieva, úplne krásne sa ti vyvíja vkus :)

    1. Súhlasím, odkedy si tam, bavíš ma stále viac a viac, úplne taká zahraničná si :).

  4. sukna je neskutocna :)

  5. veľmi mi pripomínaš Angelicku Blick,myslím postoj a výraz tváre na fotkách a aj oblečenie
