Colourful and crazy summer

(phts: Google search)

Niečo nové:
celý júl nebudem na slovensku, idem preč, teda letím :) v nedeľu ráno z Prahy, na mesiac, dúfam, že to bude jeden z najlepších v mojom živote :) inak zoberiem aj notebook takže fotky by som mala pridávať, dúfam,že sa vám to bude páčiť
psst, destináciu si zatiaľ nechám pre seba :)
Krásne leto prajem!

Something new!
during july you can´t find me in slovakia, I am going away, better - fly away :) on Sunday morning from Prague, for month, i hope it will be one of the best months on my life :) oh, and of course i am taking my notebook with me so i am going to add new photos and i hope you´ll like it
hush, where? its secret, wait few days :)
I wish you beautiful summer!

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